• 'Sardar Patel Bhavan' Bazaar,Ode,388210
  • Open: Mon - Sat 10:00 - 04:00. Sunday Closed 2nd & 4th saturday Closed
  • 02692-282532

Overdraft against Government Securities Loan


What Is NSC(National Savings Certificates)?

National Savings Certificates, popularly known as NSC, is an Indian Government Savings Bond, primarily used for small savings and income tax saving investments in India.

What Is KVP(Kisan Vikas Patra)?

KVP is a small saving scheme originally introduced by the Government of India.KVP comes in the form of certificates (similar to bank fixed deposit receipt) that can be purchased from India Post or via designated banks.

Loan Against NSC/KVP

  • Eligibility for Loan: Applicant must have National Savings Certificate / Kisan Vikas Patra in own name. You will not be eligible for a loan on       someone else savings scheme.

  • Purpose: Any Business / Personal purpose other than for speculative ones.

  • Loan Amounts: the loan amount depends on the number of years completed from the NSC/KVP issued. it also depends on the rules and         policies of the bank .
  • Repayment: Loan to be liquidated within the tenure of the instruments or earlier (By equated monthly installment, for term loan).

Interest Rates

Loan Rates
Postal Security (NSC / KVP) 10.00 %